Buying great audio equipment doesn’t guarantee great sound. Your room will make huge changes to the sound of your speakers which prevents you from enjoying your music and movies at their best. As the room creates the problem, designing and treating it seems logical, but no matter how carefully this is done, you room will… Read more »
Latest Blog/News
Our latest blog articles and news items and press are listed below, click on an article for full details.
Installers are familiar with using acoustic treatment in home cinemas. But is it always required? Rob Sinden, founder of distributor Gecko Home Cinema, presents the case against (some) treatment. When you install a good audio system, the weakest link in sound quality is typically the way the room changes the sound of the speakers. There are… Read more »
Feedback from IFA 2016 Berlin, Germany
by Neil Charger, The Audio Visual Blog I have received a great many requests from you fine gentlemen and ladies for my opinions and feedback regarding highlights of what I discovered and/or learned from IFA in Berlin a few days ago. And for those of you who are not in the know, I will be… Read more »
Digital Vs Analogue Audio
The Loudness War – Digital Vs Analogue And why in the majority of instances analogue vinyl beats digital (most unfortunately) By Nigel Archer SUMMARY, Digital Vs Analogue: EAR FATIGUE: It has been scientifically proven that the predominant cause of listener EAR FATIGUE is INTERMODULATION and HARMONIC DISTORTION. CLIPPING of the audio signal produces and is a… Read more »
Gecko Presents at Dolby Soho HQ
Gecko was proud to be invited to share their insight into the “Future of Home Cinema” with the UK’s leading home cinema installers. At an all-day event, in April 2015, presentations were given about the impact of 4k picture quality and Atmos 3D sound tracks in the home and at the cinema. Dolby’s own 60… Read more »
The Next Public Cinema Fad – 3D
The reimagining of 3D films was pioneered by James Cameron 5 years ago in Avatar. There were others already utilising circularly-polarized stereoscopic 3D over the old coloured-anaglyph 3D, but he certainly put it on the map, gave it credibility and inspired confidence in the makers of movies such as The Hobbit films, The Avengers, and… Read more »
Why Public Cinema Is Failing
A look at why the home cinema industry is starting to render public film theatres obsolete Long since finished are the days when people across the world would flock to see a movie at the local cinema more than once a blue moon. Can you imagine October of 1994 when Jurassic Park, Pulp Fiction, The… Read more »
Will The Oculus Rift Impact The Home Cinema Industry?
You can’t fail to have become aware of the existence of new 3D gaming virtual-reality headset, The Oculus Rift, which is expected to become commercially available later this year. Earlier in the year Facebook saw enough promise in the device to pay $2 billion to acquire not just the Rift but Oculus VR, the creator… Read more »
4K Projectors, What They Are & Why You Need One
We’ve barely had time to acclimatise to the era of 3D, and now we’re hearing more and more about 4K. “I did what you told me to, Mainstream Media; I bought the 3D TV and the 3D Games and the 3D Blu-rays, and now it’s been rendered obsolete by 4K? Has it? Is 4K a… Read more »
Home Cinema Advice – 5 Ways to Improve Your Home Cinema
With the resources you need to put together a home theatre set-up becoming better and more affordable by the day, many a film-lover is beginning to forego jaunts to the pictures in favour of a screening in the confines of their own movie-sanctuaries. With the help of Rob Sinden at Luxury Home Cinema Installers Gecko,… Read more »