Home Cinema Design

fabricsThe initial design and layout of a home cinema is the key to getting the most from your music and film. Our expertise in preparing spaces for optimal sound and vision is one of the main reasons our systems outperform any similarly priced alternatives.

As the room is such a critical factor in any home cinema design we highly recommend contacting us as soon as you are considering a system. Often choosing a different space or room layout will be the difference between a good system and a truly exceptional one.

Once the room layout has been agreed, some small additions to the space may be required to eliminate any rattles that would compromise sound quality.

These changes are typically simple to make before the room is decorated but much more complicated to make to a finished room. Our advice if free, so why not contact us now to benefit from the industry’s most experienced home cinema design service. We can guide and advise you from design through to your home cinema installation.

Home Cinema Projectors

Modern projection systems are the equal of any commercial cinema and are by far the best way to watch your movies. Wherever a home cinema is being designed for a projector, it is essential to carefully control the lighting within a room. This involves eliminating all external light and minimising light reflections within the room from walls, floors and ceiling.

The earlier in the design of a cinema we are contacted, the better the end result. Once again, expert design is the key to getting a great looking room that will get the most from your film and TV.


The acoustics of your listening room will have a huge impact on the quality of sound you will enjoy. Few people in the home cinema industry are expert in acoustics which is why the acoustic design of spaces is often the weakest link in most home cinema designs.

Our innovative approach to room acoustics combines speakers that can be easily tailored to your room’s sonic requirements, completely invisible acoustic treatments and the most advanced room correction systems available. The result is systems that deliver the highest fidelity, consistently in any room.

For those seeking the ultimate surround sound performance, Steinway Lyngdorf is the answer. Their unique all-digital design combine with innovative speaker systems and the world’s most advanced room correction to provide truly exceptional results. They are the only audio systems capable of satisfying those familiar with the sound of live music.

In addition to the most detailed, natural sound, Steinway Lyngdorf use tiny loudspeakers and typically require no room treatment for optimal results.

Cinema Room 2 – As Designed by Rives Audio Now Containing MK 300 7.8 System and 4k Projection System

Cinema Room 2 – As Designed by Rives Audio
Now Containing MK 300 7.8 System and 4k Projection System



At Gecko we believe the only way to ensure that the home cinema system you will be buying will give the performance and value for money you should expect is by auditioning it first.

Gecko has built the UK’s only purpose-built listening rooms for precisely this reason. Here you can compare four state-of-the-art home cinema systems, all of which provide exceptional performance and value.

A visit to our listening rooms to see how a system should be designed is the best investment you can make towards getting the most from your music and film.

Where We Work

Gecko opened the UK’s first home cinema design company in London in 1991. Since then home cinema has been our passion and our sole business.

In 2003 we moved our showroom from Chelsea to Newbury. As a result a large proportion of our home cinema designs are now for homes in Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey.

Many of our clients have second homes that we design home cinemas for, so regardless of where your home is, you can be sure the UK’s most experienced home cinema design team are there to help.