We’ve barely had time to acclimatise to the era of 3D, and now we’re hearing more and more about 4K. “I did what you told me to, Mainstream Media; I bought the 3D TV and the 3D Games and the 3D Blu-rays, and now it’s been rendered obsolete by 4K? Has it? Is 4K a gimmick or a novelty?” We actually already know the answers to all of these questions, but we’ll answer them in this article for your benefit. First of all…
In layman’s terms it simply means a 4000 horizontal pixel resolution (HD on YouTube is just 720 pixels, and Blu-ray is just 1080 pixels), that means over 8 million pixels in a 4K display! They call it Ultra High Definition TV, and UHD Television sets have already long since begun to become available from all major manufacturers. The difference is noticeable by anybody with 20/20 vision’s standards- comparable in disparity to that between DVD and Blu-ray.

With an increasing number of films getting shot in IMAX and 4K, soon there’ll be no point viewing them on a screen or monitor smaller than the diameter of a wall. Would you watch Gravity on your iPhone? Providing you own a 4K Projector you can expect to be viewing all of your favourite visual media anywhere from 12 feet across to 15 feet across! Although currently there are only a few projectors yet available on the market, we have more information about the best of them and how to get one installed.
Amongst the industries that have caught on are: Television- the World Cup is being broadcast in 4K, Video Games- an increasing number of games are set to be released in 4K resolution if recent Electronic Entertainment Expo E3 is anything to go by. Considering these facts alone to be indicative of things to come, it would bode well for everyone to consider keeping up with the times. Remember how resistant a lot of people were to DVDs? Keeping hold of their VHS players, swearing that these new laser-discs were just a fad?

So complete your home entertainment set-up with a 4K projector and experience the newest wave of home-media in the manner it was intended. Why not find out if your own home cinema design will qualify for a 4K projector? Contact us today for a consultation